Monday, October 24, 2011

I like sex

OK, I admit it- I like sex.

Waited a long time to experience it- I was 29 when I finally lost my virginity to some psycho woman I met through a personal ad. I refer to her as "psycho" because she was planning our marriage after having known me for two weeks. Oh yeah, she lied to me and said she was pregnant. Psycho enough for you?

I have been a born-again Christian since about 1981-1982, and so I was coming from that viewpoint, that you waited until you were married to have sex. Well, I did not. Should have, but didn't. I jumped on the first woman who would show me her boobs. Ironically, had I waited about seven more months, then I would have met the woman who eventually became my wife, and I would have enjoyed some good sex with a woman who loved me.

My mother-in-law would cringe upon reading this blog entry. She would cringe at most of the things that I write, but that's another conversation. She read somewhere that guys think about sex six times a minute, or some off-the-wall statistic like it. Her point being that guys are always thinking about sex. Well, what do you want me to do, apologize? Hell no!

Listen, God created sex and called it good. And the letter of Paul to the Philippians in the New Testament says that whatever is good, pure, etc.- we should think on these things. So tell me what the problem is here. You want me to be ashamed of having good sex with my wife? Think again.

And I love how Christian women try to take some sort of righteous stand here, like guys are perverts and women never think about such lowly matters. Are you kidding? I will guarantee you that Christian women are talking about these things as much as men. I've seen Christian women's Internet discussion sites. They're talking about shaving. They're talking about positions. They are mocking men for being concerned with penis size and in the same breath obsessing about their breasts. C'mon, you know I'm right.

And why shouldn't they? At the same time they are pretending to not talk about it they are attending Bible study classes imploring them to wait until marriage. So when the marriage day comes, how do they suddenly flip the switch? How do they go from sex being dirty to sex being permissible and even fun? How do they go from hiding their bodies to putting them on display?

I'm not saying that we should blather on about every detail of our sex lives. There are areas of a couple's life that are sacred, private, not for public discussion. But stop the pretending. Guys aren't perverts for liking it, and woman aren't whores for liking it.

"Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled." Paul to the Hebrews. Look it up.

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