Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hate is what I am

Never understood the whole sports hatred thing. Ohio State hates Michigan. Michigan hates Ohio State. Baseball fans hate Bud Selig, Joe Morgan, Joe Buck, Tim McCarver, and so many other personalities and features of the game that I wonder if there is anything that they like about it, and if not, why they still call themselves baseball fans. Cleveland sports fans hate Lebron James, which I can almost understand because he did leave the city; but then so many other basketball fans hate Lebron James too, for no real cause but that it seems the thing to do these days. Republicans hate Democrats, Democrats hate Republican, oftentimes for no other reason than that they are not of their kind. Christian Republicans hate Christian Democrats, Christian Democrats hate Christian Republicans, even though they both profess to be Christians and therefore have a bond stronger than that of a political affiliation.

And make no mistake. This is hatred I am talking about here, not some extreme form of dislike, not some pseudo-negative feeling that people attempt to escape by using the time-honored phrase "I was just joking."

Can someone tell me just what the hell is wrong with this country?

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