Friday, October 28, 2011


Lot of reminiscing about afternoon baseball games and how much better it is when the whole country is watching... those days are done. Baseball doesn't captivate the country anymore, and it isn't Bud Selig's fault or the fault of night games, it's because football is what captivates the country now. It's a different time. Kids aren't going to rush home to watch the game if it was on in the afternoon, kids have a lot more choices for afternoon activities these days. (Although they might watch the game on their phone or something. I know I listened to it on my Ipod as I drifted off to sleep.) And what school is going to let kids watch the game during school hours? Someone would likely face disciplinary charges.

You realize that one of the best games in history, game 6 of the 1975 World Series, was on at night, right? There have been great Monday Night Football games on at night. The Super Bowl starts in the early evening but that's in a different class altogether.

"It's all about the money." Of course, because without the money we don't have a team, we don't have players to stock the team, we don't have employees at the stadium to serve me my hot dog and peanuts. Even the much heralded Babe Ruth held out during the Great Depression, and when asked about asking for more money than the President merely said "I had a better year than he did!" None of our heroes did it for free.

The days of afternoon World Series games are over. We live in a different time now. I would love it if some things were still like they were when I was a kid, but they aren't. The DH isn't going away, the wild card isn't going away, you might as well find something to like about baseball or just quit watching it, because the experience isn't going to be like it was when we were kids.

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